This product is unique - when it's gone it's gone forever!

Dekorative Artikel


Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen

1 Stück


This so decorative and beautiful antique Austrian JAR has a high of 14.17 inches and it is 6.29 inches diameter and it would be beautiful  for dried flowers...

It has such a gorgeous  BLUE COLOR, and the glass itself is very fine and thick, it feels like soft water --- all these antique jars are masterly mouthblown, what an amazing idea for Christmas decoration

Please note: Please wash these stunning antique JAR only with your hand, the water should be not too hot, and if you got some lime stains by the time, please use simple kitchen vinegar to clean them carefully!!!! THEY ARE NOT SUITABLE for the dishwasher!!!!

Thank you so much for your interest.

Your Christina and Julia


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