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10 reasons why our products contribute to sustainability.

Sustainability is a principle of action for the use of resources, in which a lasting satisfaction of needs is to be ensured by preserving the natural regenerative capacity of the systems involved (above all of living beings and ecosystems). This principle is literally recognizable in the corresponding English word sustainable: to sustain in the sense of.

  1. Question about sustainability

    Sustainability is a principle of action for the use of resources, in which a lasting satisfaction of needs is to be ensured by preserving the natural regenerative capacity of the systems involved (above all of living beings and ecosystems). This principle is literally recognizable in the corresponding English word sustainable: to sustain in the sense of. Sustainability is a principle of action for the use of resources, in which a lasting satisfaction of needs by the

  2. Question about sustainability

    Sustainability is a principle of action for the use of resources, in which a lasting satisfaction of needs is to be ensured by preserving the natural regenerative capacity of the systems involved (above all of living beings and ecosystems). This principle is literally recognizable in the corresponding English word sustainable: to sustain in the sense of. Sustainability is a principle of action for the use of resources, in which a lasting satisfaction of needs is to be ensured by preserving the natural regenerative capacity of the systems involved (above all of living beings and ecosystems).

  3. Question about sustainability

    Sustainability is a principle of action for the use of resources, in which a lasting satisfaction of needs is to be ensured by preserving the natural regenerative capacity of the systems involved (above all of living beings and ecosystems). This principle is literally recognizable in the corresponding English word sustainable: to sustain in the sense of. Sustainability is a principle of action for the use of resources, in which a lasting satisfaction of needs is to be ensured by preserving the natural regenerative capacity of the systems involved (above all of living beings and ecosystems).

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