This product is unique - when it's gone it's gone forever!
antique charming linen TOWEL A 150
€ 30,00
zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen
Antikes Leinen
1 Stück
This offer is for this lovely and wonderful ANTIQUE handwoven and hand-loomed hemp linen TOWEL
These antique grain sacks and linen rolls were made around 1890
This is charming TOWEL measures 37.79 inches by 18.89 inches
It measures 96 cm by 48 cm
This fabulous, absolutely wonderful handmade towel has a lovely dense weave with a lightweight-looking texture.
This one is soooo fabulous, it looks very decorative
It has so decorative and beautiful HAND STITCHED elements - It is so lovely, what a lovely gift!
this lovely napkin is just laundered and ironed ready for your TABLE
With such antique linen, you could create so lovely and
personal gifts for your friends and yourself, you can even embroider them with monograms.
Every roll or grain sack is different and unique in texture and color but all are wonderful pieces of textile folk art, all linen and grain sacks are 100 % biological and organic, completely free from chemical substances
It is a handwoven old linen for about 100 years in a wonderful condition,
!!!It's really lovely, the stripes are highly decorative!!!
You can take it for clothing, bedding, bags, curtains, napkins...
- it's lovely to work with - with a little bit of phantasy
you can create so wonderful things!!!
Our antique linens are easily washable, you can wash it even with 60 degrees and it will not shrink,
we ever add some softener, so ironing is much easier
Thank you so much for your interest.
your Christina and Julia
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Versand & Lieferung
Bestellungen werden werktags bearbeitet und sofort versandt. Unser Versandpartner ist die Österreichische Post AG. Die Pakete werden versichert versendet und Sie erhalten mit der Versandbestätigung die Tracking-Informationen inkl. Tracking-Nummer. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Infos.
Waschen & Pflege
Unsere Leinen sind pflegeleicht. Bitte beachten Sie trotzdem unsere Waschanleitung.
– Helle Farben bei maximal 60° Grad waschen.
– Dunkle Farben bei maximal 40° Grad waschen.
– Damit Stoffe nicht steif werden, bitte nicht in der Sonne trocknen.
– Für mehr Weichheit Stoffe im Trockner trocknen.
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